We’re a ragtag posse of wanna be, shoulda’ been, coulda’ been, and real deal Cowboys, Ranchers, Farmers, and Chuck Wagon cooks from Masonic Lodges across the Panhandle. We’re the offspring of the Grand Lodge of Texas District 98 Masters, Wardens, and Secretary’s Association’s grand idea of starting an annual Masonic Cowboy Roundup.
We Love all things Cowboy, Western, Texan and Historic Panhandle.
We are committed to producing an annual event for the celebration of Texan Masonry, with it’s Masonic Settlers and Legends, Living and Past. We want to highlight the contributions that Masons and our Fraternity have made to fostering and encouraging the legacy we call the Panhandle Spirit.
We look forward to the camaraderie of Masons displaying the Craft to the Public in an exciting new light, and we want the Masons of the Texas Panhandle to join us. If you share our interests and believe it’s time to energize your personal Masonic journey and help showcase Masonry and it’s contributions to the daily lives of the people around us…grab yer boots ‘n hat and saddle up!
Come Ride with us!