Billy Dixon Lodge No. 1369


The Panhandle Masonic Cowboy Hall of Fame is excited to honor Billy Dixon Lodge No. 1369 with this years inductee, Billy Dixon. The history of this Masonic Lodge has always been one of honoring and remembering this Panhandle Pioneer, Plainsman and Buffalo hunter., from .

The current Master of the Lodge and his Wardens have been exceedingly helpful in sharing the Lodge’s history. What follows is from a document prepared by Past Master Roland J. Hodges in September 1993. PM Hodges had been asked to present a short program on the history of the Lodge, and thoughtfully, wrote down his recollections and information from the first year and a half of the Lodge’s minutes.

In the mid 1950’s, Ishom Lodge in Borger was an active Lodge of Hutchinson County. Bro. Hodges had been raised a Mason in Gruver as a courtesy for Ishom Lodge. He reported that the month he was raised, May of 1955, Ishom Lodge raised twenty eight Master Masons.

By mid summer 1956, several Fritch Masons had gathered, first in the Immanuel Baptist Church, then in the school cafeteria to discuss the possibilities of forming a home town Masonic Lodge. I n July a building and finance committee was formed and the process was begun.

The July 22nd meeting a vote was held to name the new Lodge. Three names we submitted for consideration of the brothers present: ‘ANTELOPE PEAK,’ in reference of the small hill on the Dheal Ranch; ‘BILLY DIXON,’ in reference to the fact that he was the first Master Mason raised in Hutchinson County, and his other accomplishments. Bro. Hodges asked Bro. Taylor read Billy’s petition for the degrees, and his recomenders and his Masonic record as to his degree work. ‘FRITCH LODGE’ was also submitted.

A ballot was taken and the name BILLY DIXON was selected. Officer were then elected to serve: W.M. Herbert James Walker, S.W. James Edward Wright, J.W. Woodrow Dale Kay, Chaplain Theron “Mike” Smith, Treasurer Paul Lambert, Secretary James W. Holly, Sr. Deacon Eugene M. Armstrong, Jr. Deacon Roland J Hodges, Sr. Steward Ivor Sweeney, Jr. Steward Coy Friday and Tiler William T. Whitley.

The proper paperwork was then received from the District Deputy Grand Master to Petition Grand Lodge of Texas for the formation of the new Lodge. Shortly thereafter, Grand Secretary Byrd reported back the paperwork was in order and awaiting Grand Masters signature. During this time period, Texas Masonry was growing rapidly, and the Grand Lodge of Texas was more than pleased to help in establishing additional Lodges in the State. The Texas Grand Lodge also granted proper dispensations for the Lodge to begin sharing a meeting room with Adobe Walls Lodge in Borger. The Lodge received the necessary approval and dispensations for forming and operating “under dispensation” in September, 1956, and allowed them to conduct official meetings using the Adobe Walls Lodge room.

In October of that year, plans for the new Lodge building were drawn and submitted and soon approved. These industrious Brothers had begun securing the financing of the new building in three ways: selling “debentures for $20 dollars each, recruiting free labor for the construction, and outright donations. All this while, the Brothers were traveling to all the different Masonic Lodges in the District to learn all the Masonic ritualistic work associated with constituting a new lodge in preparation for dedicating their new building.

On January 4th, 1957 a called meeting was held in Ishom Lodge for the purpose of constituting and dedication of Billy Dixon Lodge. Grand Master Paul Turney opened the Grand Lodge of Texas for the purpose on constituting the new Lodge and installing its officers. Bro. Hodges proudly reported standing room only in the Lodge room with 37 Masonic Lodges being represented: four from Oklahoma, and one each from Pennsylvania, Missouri, Mississippi, California, and Kansas.

Brother Hodges was very proud to report the methods of construction of the new Lodge building. The concret was purchased from Borger Redi Mix, and delivered to Fritch in trucks being driven by Master Masons. Footings and floors were poured, cinder blocks laid at a cost of .52 cents each. By the time steel trusses had been put in place… the money ran out! Bro. Hodges recalled Brother Walker called all the Masons together and told them they were $1900 dollars short of being able to finish the roof. Bro. Walker had already spoken to Fritch State Bank who would agree to allow nineteen Brothers to sign one year promissory notes for $100 Dollars each, so that the Lodge could be finished!

On August 17th, 1957 a meeting was held in the School Gymnasium for the purpose of conducting a Cornerstone leveling ceremony. Grand Master Turney had given the District Deputy Grand Master authority to inspect the building, and finding it secure, the Lodge was allowed to move in.

“Inside the cornerstone is a box containing a number of things. The square and compass…a small bible…the dispensation for moving into the new building…”

From PM Hodges presentation to Billy Dixon Lodge, 1993

When planning was begun, during the July 1955 meeting when the name was chosen for the Lodge, the minutes reflect a letter was read. It was from Mrs. Walter Irwin of Amarillo. Mrs. Irwin was Billy Dixon’s daughter. Bro. Hodges presentation to his Lodge in 1993, says this:

“In her letter she gave the Lodge permission to use her father’s name on the Lodge, and that this was in complete agreement with her sister and brother. Mrs. Irvin suggested that should the Lodge be instituted and confirmed, and if the Lodge requested, they would be glad to furnish the Lodge with a copy of their late father’s picture. The Lodge was very happy to hear this offer, and at a later called meeting, after completion of the building, Mrs Irwin, her sister and brother and their spouses were present and Billy Dixon’s son proceeded to hang his fathers picture in it’s present postilion on our wall…

…Mrs. Irwin pointed out the square and compass lapel pin on his suit. This is where Bro. Taylor read his petition. W. M. Bro. Walker thanked them for the picture and for coming and stated that the Lodge was very proud to have the honor of having Billy Dixon’s picture hanging on our Lodge hall.”

Billy Dixon Lodge No. 1369 in 2024, still proudly displaying Billy Dixon’s picture on the wall.

For sixty-seven years, Masonry done well!