It has been a pleasure to research Billy Dixon’s life, and to add him to the growing list of notable Masons in the Panhandle Masonic Cowboy Hal of Fame. We hope we’ve been able to present his life in a personable, knowable way, that together we might have a better understanding of the great people who bequeathed to us the Panhandle Spirit. All references to his life on this website come from the following books:
by Olive K Dixon
First and foremost a most enjoyable read. Written in Billy’s own words, by Olive after Billy’s passing. Published in 1914, Olive recorded Billy’s stories for several years. It was said her notes and paperwork were perfectly organized. It is undoubtedly because of her belief in Billy and the publication of this book, that he is a well know figure of Texas history. She never stopped promoting Billy. nearly penniless when Billy died, Olive borrowed the money to publish this book at over 10% interest-In 1914! It took her most of the rest of her life to pay it back.
ADOBE WALLS BRIDE The Story of Billy and Olive King Dixon
By John L. McCarty
Wonderfully written in the style of a western novel, John McCarty was editor of the Amarillo Globe-News and met Olive while she was writing for the newspaper. He began interviewing Olive in 1940. and together they created this biography. A very worthwhile read, it is an excellent source of information about Olive and it is richly illustrated by noted western artist Harold D. Bugbee. Published in 1955, when Olive was 83.
BILLY AND OLIVE DIXON The Plainsman and His Lady
By Bill O’Neal
Bill O’Neal, State of Texas Historian from 2012 to 2018, was inspired to write this book in 2015 after being invited to speak at the Annual Roundup of the Wild West Historical Association in Amarillo, Texas. Participants were taken on a field trip to Adobe Walls. this book is the best researched and most well written, detailed account of Billy and Olive Dixon’s lives, to date.
The History and Archaeology of the 1874 Trading post
By T. Lindsay Baker and Billy R Harrison
Historian Baker and Archaeologist Harrison teamed up to research the archaeology of the site and write the definitive history of the battle and the participants. They dispel the rumors and misinformation. This book succeeds, through the example of artifacts and accurate history and biographical data, in creating a detailed picture of not only the Battle and the site layout but an understanding of the era.
THE MOCCASIN SPEAKS Living as Captives of the Dog Soldiers
By Arlen Feldman Juakin
Written by Arlene Feldman Juaken, great granddaughter of Sophie German. A very complete accurate and well researched history of the tragedy of the John German Family, simple settlers crossing the High Plains in a covered wagon. The author uses a wide variety of sources including direct family interviews, including photographs and documented history to tell the gripping story of the kidnapping of the German sisters, . Excellent historical resource published in 1998.